Death in Paradise Wiki

SMPF Sergeant-WC-2

Florence Cassell made her debut in 4:1 Stab in the Dark. She joined the team of Honoré Police as Sergeant and was quickly promoted to Detective Sergeant after Camille Borday left for her job in Paris. She is played by Joséphine Jobert.

At the age of 25, she has risen to the rank of Detective Sergeant pretty fast for someone still so young. But that’s because Florence is incredibly good at what she does. She’s dedicated, focused and has a great nose for sniffing out those with a guilty conscience. In short, she makes an excellent detective.

Having grown up in a house full of men (she has five older domineering brothers) she learned from a young age that to stand out she had to learn to be assertive, strong-minded and, above all, not a pushover. Having grown up in this environment explains why Florence is so good at spotting when someone is lying or hiding something – it’s because she’s seen it all before with her rascal brothers, who we assume were not the well-behaved sort a sister might hope for!

After the death of her fiancé, Patrice Campbell, in the episode beyond the shining sea she left Saint Marie. In season 10 episode 1 "Today With Tourné" Florence returned after Selwyn Patterson 'sent her an sos' to get her help after Madeline Dumas went back to Paris for a promotion and Ruby Patterson got a secondment.

Mooneys meatballs

Florence is a big fan of Mooney's meatballs

Aside from being such a good police officer, Florence is friendly, charming and has a winningly mischievous sense of humour, which means it won’t take long for her to fit right in with the rest of the team. Even when injured (suffering from a twisted ankle a run-away murder suspect caused), Florence was determined and she limped over to the station and did an excellent job of persuading the Commissioner to give her a desk job she wouldn't miss one tiny detail.


In 4:1 Stab in the Dark she is sitting in Catherine's Bar having a drink and talking to Dwayne Myers of whom she says is brave as he was chasing a criminal. Unbeknownst to him she was the new Sergeant at the Honoré Police Station that Commissioner Selwyn Patterson was talking about who was Fidel Best's replacement. In 4:3 Hidden Secrets Dwayne develops a crush on her and tries to impress her. She also developed a friendship with Camille Bordey as they talked about how 'English' Detective Inspector Humphrey Goodman was. In 4:4 Until Death Do You Part Camille before leaving Saint Marie for Paris tells her to take care of Humphrey for her. She is funny, witty and very helpful to the team.
